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Is it worth running contests on your business’s Social media?

Contests have both positive and negative elements.

Negative Elements of Contests

1) Small Gift Value: : Now users don’t interact as easily if the gift value is small. For example, 10 years ago we ran a hair dryer contest on Facebook for our client and gained 2,500 new friends in 10 days. Today, this would be more difficult to achieve.
2) Temporary Followers: Many enter contests just for the giveaway and leave once the draw is over.

Positive Elements of the Competitions

1) Increase Interaction: Contest entrants interact heavily with the overall content of your page by commenting, liking, etc., which increases your page engagement.
2) Potential Customers: Don’t forget that participants are also buyers and potential customers.

Strategy Advices

1) Don’t Oversell Sales: Don’t expect to see an immediate increase in sales just because you ran a contest.
2) Don’t Underestimate the Participants: It is wrong to call the participants “competitors” or something similar.

Useful Tip
Every business page needs at least 10-15% of followers to come from contests. This percentage will give a good boost and immediate increase in followers every time you run new contests.

Do you participate in contests? Write me in the comments!

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